

Date: APRIL 3 -5, 2020


Potentially 8 million people and others. The Covid-19 crisis in Switzerland. In Europe. Worldwide. They are looking for daring and innovative ideas that will help Switzerland to show solidarity now and emerge stronger from the current difficult situation caused by the coronavirus. In a 48h online Hackathon, they want to develop functional digital or analogue prototypes to counter the virus with tangible solutions. For this to work, the #versusvirus Hackathon needs a strong, diverse community. That means people with very different perspectives and abilities. So you do not need to be a programmer or hacker to contribute.



Date: APRIL 3 -5, 2020

Website: https://www.hackthecrisishungary.com/

FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/892171527905494/

#hackthecrisishun #online #hackathon

How can we as a society face the challenges posed by the Corona crisis, and nudge the development of new solutions together?

Solutions are waited in 4 categories of challenges in the Hungarian Hackathon:

❤Save lives!
❤Save communities!
❤Save small businesses!
❤ Save education!




Date: APRIL 3 -5, 2020


Vodafone Turkey Foundation (Turkiye Vodafone Vakfi) and Habitat Association (Habitat Dernegi), will organise an online “ideathon” for students between the ages of 14-17 in the context of the fight against the outbreak of a new type of coronavirus. In the “Coding Tomorrow Online Covideathon”, students will be asked to create a technological idea that will minimise the negative effects of the virus outbreak on the public. The application deadline for online ideathon is 3 April. In related news, Vodafone Turkey’s Vodafone TV is offering free access to Foxlife, FX, Foxcrime, National Geographic.



Date: APRIL 3 -5, 2020


Participate in a great virtual session, online, in which many minds come together to provide solutions and prototype them in record time (48 hours). In much of Latin America people are at home and many are thinking about what they can do to contribute. The virtual #CadaDiaCuentaHackathon is the digital space where we can all develop, test and improve solutions for the challenges we face today.

You have until April 1 to upload your ideas or challenges (optional) and sign up to participate. We invite all those who have the time, the desire to help and the Internet access to join this initiative and contribute with their knowledge.


Where: INDIA

Date: MARCH 27-29, 2020

Website: https://www.forgeforward.in/fightcorona/ | https://www.guaana.com/challenge/pvuvGTpsaixLgGgjThttps://www.guaana.com/challenges/

COVID-19 is spreading rapidly at an unprecedented scale across the globe and has emerged as the single biggest risk the planet has witnessed in modern times. Although India is by the quirk of fate behind other countries in terms of infections it has never been more appropriate and important for ingenious minds to come together to develop innovative solutions as we prepare for a future, which in the very short term looks increasingly uncertain.

Our health care services industry has the risk to be strained to a great extent at the event of COVID-19 spreading across the country, we must use all options available to fight this pandemic. Fight Corona ideathon envisions that by partnering with innovators to develop advanced tools and analytics to fight the pandemic on various aspects concerning the preparedness, awareness, prevention, testing, care etc.

Forge as the partner incubator for this national-level ideathon has organised the program in partnership with MEITY Startup hub, DST Nidhi Prayas, MHRD Innovation cell, AICTE , InnovatioCuris, Amazon and other sponsors & partners to support the most impactful solutions from Innovators and Startups to fight the threats posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.




Date: March 27-29, 2020


How can we as a society face the challenges posed by the Corona crisis, and nudge the development of new solutions together?
“HACK THE CRISIS” Austria was a virtual hackathon organized by volunteers of the AustrianStartups Community, with support of the corporate- and public sector. Inspired by a larger Global Community of Hack-the-Crisis organizers around the world.
Anyone with or without an idea was welcome to join, individually or with a team, from creators, IT specialists, students, companies, project managers to scientists to show them how you would solve various challenges through creative production and technology.

Watch and know more about #hackthecrisis Austria Award ceremony here: https://youtu.be/Ebq6s3z-yRw

This is the page where everyone can find all the projects.





Date: March 22-23, 2020


‘Hack the Crisis: Tech for Good, pro public bono Hackathon’ invites everyone to collaborate on the execution of anticrisis ideas to help people handle the pandemic aftermath. We defined three main areas that might be challenging: isolation, facts & data and education. Would you like to make a difference in the time of the COVID-19 outbreak? We can save thousands of lives when we unite!


 #WirVsVirus GERMANY


Date: March 20-22


Together with the federal government, the digital participation process was created in the corona crisis. Everywhere in Germany, individuals were working on solutions. The #WirVsVirus Online Hackathon was the digital space in which they could all develop, test and improve solutions together for emerging challenges.

In numbers there were:

– 42.968 registrations,

– 28.361 participants

– 1.924 ideas,

– 2.922 mentors.

The #WirVsVirus Hackathon was the federal government’s hackathon and was under the patronage of the head of the Federal Chancellery, Prof. Dr. Helge Braun. The Federal Government’s ‘Hackathon’ has yielded lots of suggestions for solving problems to do with the Corona crisis. This was Germany’s biggest digital competition of ideas to date.



Learn more at Social Innovation Academy

Check out the Hackathons- the first fully online innovation competitions for challenges focusing exclusively on social innovation re Covid-19.  If you are interested in keeping up with this project, you can subscribe to our newsletter, become one of our friends or follow us on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook). We welcome all requests for collaboration here.


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Would you like to collaborate? Get in touch!

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