
Are you actually familiar with where to find social innovation, social impact and social entrepreneurship events and conferences around the globe? At the Social Innovation Academy we’ve done the research and are very excited to share with you 8 must-attend social innovation events in February 2020!



International Conference on Social Innovation and Information Technologies: Join and share your experiences and research results on all aspects of Social Innovation and Information Technologies (Melbourne, 3-4)


Greenbiz Summit: The premier annual event for sustainable business leaders because after all sustainability and social innovation go hand in hand (Phoenix, 4-6)


Creative Change Makers 2020: Join creative minds aspiring a better, fairer, healthier and more sustainable world (London, 5-8)


The Agents of Change Summit: This time the conference is devoted to share findings on changing heath behaviors (San Diego, 10-11)


SBSI 2020: Innovating for a Better World: Interested in social impact, while having social and environmental goals? Don’t you dare miss this one! (Durham, 12)


Investing for Impact “2020 Vision’: Investing for Impact summit organized by The Economist, returns to its fourth consecutive year. A must attend conference for the impact investment community (New York, 13)


2020 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit: Making the world a better places needs certainly people to join forces. Get there, build a network of allies and partners and learn how to scale your solutions (Georgia, 23-25)


Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneurship: Sincerely a ‘must’ attend conference for social entrepreneurs trying to create social impact (Puerto Rico, Feb 27- Mar 1)


Learn more at Social Innovation Academy

Would you like to see all the social innovation events for 2020? Signup below to download The Ultimate 2020 Social Innovation Calendar immediately and for free.



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