Education is an important area for the development of social innovations. It affects the raising of the quality of life indirectly, but it gives new perspectives, a better start and widens the possibilities of various social groups. There are so many educational projects that can take several forms, such as the concern of older people and children and especially those at risk of social exclusion, to interactive workshops found in museums. Are you actually familiar with such social innovations in education? Just keep on reading to find 8 remarkable social innovations that take place in the education field.
Multi-creative factory
It was established to support technological education among children, adolescents and adults. The essence of the Factory’s operation is to combine the interaction of social behavior in the learning group with a deep immersion in the technological environment.
The workshop method used in the factory was based on modern applications and tools, including to create multimedia lessons or e-resources. The offer of factories responds to the market demand in the area of e-education. Most computer-related courses focus on the technical aspect of digitization. The main element of all training offered at the factories is the development of possible innovative applications of new skills and knowledge in the functional use of computer programs and tools. In Multi-creative Factories we work in accordance with the philosophy of prof. Tony Buzana – in the Map of Thoughts and the ability to use the mind. Thought Map is a graphic technique that provides a universal key to unlock the potential of our brain, using the full range of cortical skills such as: word, image, number, logic, rhythm, color or spatial imagination.
The program is aimed at women who want to connect their professional activity with the IT industry. Innovation is a methodology for teaching programs for adults based on an online platform. It is an attempt to fill the gap between self-education and formal education on the market and allows the acquisition of knowledge based on the principles of gamification and gamification.
The path of acquiring knowledge and skills uses the method of gamification and gamification. For example, gaining points enabling the purchase of an internship in a virtual company from the IT industry. An attractive form of application that uses VR ensures the originality of this teaching method, facilitates memorizing the content and familiarizes with modern technology. Well-chosen questions in the scenarios lead jobseekers to prepare themselves well before the interviews, but also to reflect on their own preferences for future work, skills, strengths.
Innovation is a substantive program combined with an IT platform. Innovation tools help to improve the competences of adults in the use of the Internet and available information technologies and their use to effectively build their position in the dynamically changing labor market.
Innovation is an innovative combination of traditional training conducted by a trainer with simultaneous work with a special service-software, available on participants’ mobile devices. In practice, trainees, on the one hand receive information from a trainer discussing the issues of building a personal and professional brand of an employee on the Internet and job search methods, on the other, they gain the possibility of practical exercises using mobile devices – especially the most popular: smartphones, tablets and laptops.
It is a program addressed to young people of secondary schools in Warsaw, first-grade school, technical and general high schools, and to students of Warsaw’s universities. The aim of the program is the development of key competences, including social ones, favoring entrepreneurial attitudes and employing young people. The program also aims to support initiatives and creative forms of activities of young people and create conditions for acquiring practical skills in the work of the project method, during the preparation of technical innovation projects or social innovations. The program is implemented in the form of a technical innovation competition (addressed to high school students) and a competition for social innovation projects (addressed to students). During the program, the youth, in addition to the ability to implement their own ideas, will also have the opportunity to establish contact and cooperation with business representatives. Groups of young people participating in the competition for innovation will be provided with substantive support and financial resources for the preparation of prototypes. The authors of the best technical innovation projects will receive financial rewards.
A memory table is a tool that supports the activation of older people by providing them with a variety of knowledge and culture in an accessible and attractive way.
It is a kind of multimedia device (like a table) equipped with several screens. In its memory, various materials (films, audio files, scans of articles, photos, etc.) are uploaded from several decades (from the 1920s to the 1980s), which coincides with different periods in the lives of older people. These materials can be supplemented and commented on.
Up to six people can use the device at the same time. The challenge for designers was how to design a technological device that not only does not scare away, but also encourages the use of older people.
Using this device, the elderly exercise (stimulate) their memory, and materials with which they become familiar become a pretext to talk with other people, exchange memories, etc.
University of the third century
The purpose of the university’s activity is to activate older people, as well as “to exploit the potential of older people in the labor market – knowledge, skills and life experience, for economic and social development of the country”.
Older generations, experiencing their youth during the war, often had a choice between learning and defending their homeland and usually decided on the latter. Such people as a result of various turmoil in life did not necessarily have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills. UTW allows such people to obtain the knowledge they need.
Classes are conducted by eminent specialists, representatives of the world of science, culture and art, who provide high standards of education and care about the diversity of issues discussed in the classroom. In addition to plenary lectures, students can participate in additional classes such as: Learning languages, Sports activities, Memory trainings, Internet Senior Club, Drawing Club, Theater and Poetry Club, Discussion Club – Knowing More, Bridge Club, Footwear Club, English Club, Italiano Club.
Spread the wings
Missed self-esteem often accompanies blind and visually impaired people. Educational workshops and coaching on self-esteem for blind and visually impaired women are the answer to this problem.
The goal of the project is to raise your self-esteem. Getting to know myself, from which areas of my life I am satisfied and from which I am not. Changing erroneous beliefs about yourself and bad habits in good. Getting to know what is assertiveness and learning it. Keeping a self-observation diary.
Museum without barriers
The Barrier-free Museum project is of an integrative and animation nature, based on the conviction that diversity and multiple perspectives is a value that must be taken care of in a special way. Workshops carried out as part of this project are based primarily on exchange and mutual support in development.
One of the most important goals the Museum aims at without barriers is to make art accessible to the widest possible audience. Cooperating with institutions and organizations working for people at risk of various forms of exclusion, we create diverse, long-term projects that respond to the needs of specific groups. Among the addressees of individualized activities there are blind and visually impaired people, deaf people, patients of psychiatric hospitals, students of hospital schools, participants of occupational therapy workshops, children’s orphanages and social therapy centers, seniors during psychiatric treatment, adults with autism.
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Why Social Innovation Academy? Social innovation is increasingly being perceived as the answer to the rising number of European societal challenges. While the European authorities, leading academics, policy experts, business people and activists agree that social innovation is the key to a better future, it is extremely difficult for professionals to obtain high-quality training on what social innovation offers and, more importantly, how it can be done in practice.
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