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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
All opinions, quotes or information expressed by the authors at The Social Innovation Academy are their own, and neither the Social Innovation Academy, nor Limitless sarl can be in any way held responsible for these views or any consequences thereof.

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Innovations to Empower Women and Girls Challenge 2022 is open for applications!

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in partnership with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has today launched the Innovations to Empower Women and Girls Challenge to identify and scale up...

European Urban Initiative first Innovative Actions Call

European Urban InitiativeEuropean Urban Initiative 'has officially launched its first Innovative Actions Call with a budget of EUR 50 million in support to New European Bauhaus demonstrators! The Call is open until 19th January 2023 14h CET. Cities, you are invited to...


Check out the finalists and winners of the recent Social Impact Award Hungary to discover the ventures with great social impact potential.

Social Innovation Indaba 2024

Global Social Innovation Indaba 2024'In September 2024, SIX is partnering with the University of the Free State to host the first global gathering of global social innovation leaders in Bloemfontein, South Africa.Whether in mega cities or rural communities, people all...

8 milestones that shaped the decade of Social Innovation in Europe (2009-2019)

A look back on the last decade of social innovation in Europe. 8 milestones that shaped social innovation on the old continent.

2023 Social Innovation Tournament

2023 Social Innovation TournamentFrom 16 January to 23 February the EIB Institute will be accepting applications for the 2023 Social Innovation Tournament (SIT). The SIT is the flagship initiative of the Institute’s Social Programme that recognises and supports the...

Social Innovation Academy: kicking off project 2.0

Social Innovation Academy 2.0 aims to deliver higher impact by harnessing the power of co-creation and leveraging the global social innovation expertise

Are you a Social Entrepreneur? Then the Social Innovation Tournament is for you!

The Social Innovation Tournament recognises and supports the best European social entrepreneurs. It is organised in a different country every year to reward and sponsor European entrepreneurs whose primary purpose is to generate a social, ethical or environmental...
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