

Youth and social entrepreneurship in Mexico Interview with Jorge Meléndez and Cecilia Cárdenas, co-founders of Emprendimiento Social México (ESMEX)

Social entrepreneurship in Mexico, as elsewhere, has become a source of innovative solutions to most pressing problems our society. These solutions have been created by social entrepreneurs, and have led to new ways of citizen participation, new business models with...

Social innovation for impact citizenship: insights from Afonso Mendonça Reis

Social innovation for impact citizenship – learn more from Afonso Mendonça Reis featured at the Social Innovation Academy

Liofyllo: Let’s green this planet through creative recycling

Liofyllo is a Greek idiom to say olive leaf, and its founder, Ms. Alexandra Makrygeorgou, urges us to green this planet through creative recycling. She believes that “every action—and offer—should be done with respect to humanity and nature." Only in this way will we...

Rainwater harvesting for social change

Enrique Lomnitz is the CEO and founder of Isla Urbana, a social enterprise based in Mexico City, who together with a multidisciplinary team has created and installed rainwater harvesting systems to provide low-income and water scarce populations in urban and rural...

Progressive Careers: creating opportunities to help people transition into the social impact sector

Creating social impact is not an easy task. Check out how progressive careers is trying to create lasting long change by tackling unemployment.

How to engage social innovators, heritage experts and local communities in bringing cultural heritage in new digital and modern contexts: insights from the president of Idrija 2020 Association

HeritageLab project was a 2018 Winner of the European Social Innovation Competition. Below you can watch a very inspiring video interview with Matevž Straus.

How to create eco-friendly products that turn waste into high-quality and well-designed usable products: insights from the founders of Smetumet

Smetumet design solutions and products that turn waste into high-quality and well-designed usable products. Read an inspiring interview with its founders.

Sandra Tabares-Duque – Social impact production for a fairer world and social justice

Sandra Tabares-Duque has curated and produced film festivals and cultural activities in Europe and Latin America. In recent years she has focused on the production of diverse forms of audiovisual and transmedia storytelling. Her portfolio includes the multiple...

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