
Interview with Cristina Yoshida and Diego del Moral, co-founders of Collective of Disruptive Design.

At the intersection of systems thinking and design thinking, Collective of Disruptive Design (Colectivo de Diseño Disruptivo in Spanish) seeks out collaborative processes for social innovation and social change. Since 2017 this collective of designers and facilitators has been actively working towards capacity development and the integration of a disruptive mindset in organizations, trying to find a common language for system and social change across Latin America, through collaborations with public and private sector organizations, CSOs, and communities of practice.




To know more about Collective of Disruptive Design, Cristina Yoshida and Diego del Moral, co-founders, introduce us to their work.



Durdana Prado is an International Cooperation professional and Social Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship enthusiast with formal studies, work, and research experience in local development, international education, public policy, internationalization of healthcare services, and the cooperation between Latin America and Europe. She has solid experience working as a project manager, area coordinator, and consultant in different sectors namely public administration, CSOs, private sector, and academia in Mexico, Germany, and the United States of America. In recent years, she has paid considerable attention to the study of social innovation ecosystems and sustainable entrepreneurship initiatives in Mexico and Latin America. She currently works on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, at the Ministry of Planning and Citizen Participation.

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