
European Urban Initiative

European Urban Initiative ‘has officially launched its first Innovative Actions Call with a budget of EUR 50 million in support to New European Bauhaus demonstrators! The Call is open until 19th January 2023 14h CET. Cities, you are invited to submit your innovative ideas and join our path to sustainable urban development.

This present Call builds on core principles of the emblematic New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative.

The NEB is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative in the making; connecting the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences, in aims of making Europe climate-neutral by 2050. The EUI Call will translate the NEB core values and deliver tangible, real-life examples.

Projects interested in applying should embody the values of sustainability, inclusiveness and aesthetics to the very maximum extent of ambition. While the Call is not prescriptive, we invite cities to consider the four following themes which have the greatest potential to generate innovative solutions:

  • circular economy and carbon neutrality
  • preservation of cultural heritage
  • adaptation of buildings for affordable housing solutions
  • regeneration of urban spaces.’ [i] 

Kinds of projects sought by the European Urban Initiative

1. Innovative

Innovative Actions support pilot projects that have never been tested anywhere else in Europe. Projects should be new, bold, creative and experimental. The proposed project must go beyond the present state-of-the-art and business-as-usual.

2. Of good quality

Projects should meet key quality standards such as clear and logical interrelation of objectives/activities/outputs, evidence of preparatory work, realistic ambitions, effective management structures and procedures, good value for money.

3. Participative

Participation and co-creation with Partners, relevant stakeholders, and target groups, are key for the development and implementation of genuinely innovative and experimental projects.

4. Measurable

Urban authorities should be able to clearly explain what the changes are that they want to achieve in the local context as a result of their projects.

5. Sustainable and scalable

Urban authorities should be able to anticipate and explain how the solution will be sustained and scaled-up once successfully tested through the identification of adequate sources of public and/or private funding.

6. Transferable

Solutions developed in the framework of the projects should be applicable and replicable by other cities across Europe, possibly by making use of the Cohesion policy funding available to them.’ [i]

Support offered by the European Urban Initiative

‘Funding: each project can receive up to EUR 5 million ERDF. Part of this allocation will support the transfer of these innovative solutions to other cities in Europe to have an even bigger impact!

Knowledge and Capacity Building: each project financed in the framework of the EUI-IA will benefit from the support of a European Urban Initiative Expert in order to draw lessons, capture the knowledge and share it with urban policy makers and practitioners across Europe.

How can you apply to participate in this European Urban Initiative’s call?

Cities, we encourage you to be bold, innovative and risky to tackle your urban challenges. We welcome you to test your solution, share the results of your projects and inspire other cities across Europe to turn ambitions into pilot projects that can be tested in real urban settings.

You can start submitting your applications from now until January 19th, 2023.

Check out our info page on the 1st Call

How to prepare for the Call of the European Urban Initiative?

A wide range of support and guidance is available to help you prepare and submit a proposal to the Innovative Actions Call.

Check out the online Guidance and the different events organised to provide support to applicants.’ [i]


Learn more at Social Innovation Academy 

Social Innovation Academy is the first fully online management training programme focusing exclusively on social innovation.

Why Social Innovation Academy? Social innovation has increasingly come to be perceived as the answer to the rising number of European societal challenges. While the European authorities, leading academics, policy experts, business people and activists agree that social innovation is the key to a better future for Europe and the world, it is extremely difficult for professionals to obtain high-quality training on what social innovation actually offers and, more importantly, how it can be done in practice.

The Social Innovation Academy is aiming to change this situation in Europe and beyond. If you are interested in keeping up with this project, you can subscribe to our newsletter, become one of our friends or follow us on social media (LinkedInTwitter and Facebook). We welcome all requests for collaboration here.



Graphics and [i]: European Urban Initiative newsletter, www.urban-initiative.eu

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