


Almost 1 billion people around the world don’t have safe access to critical resources like health care, education, or employment due to an impassable river. With a single innovation, Bridges to Prosperity can impact households across multiple dimensions.[1]

They design, build, and maintain durable and environmentally sustainable bridges to connect the rural last mile to the rest of the world.[2]

Bridges to Prosperity envisions a world where poverty cause by rural isolation no longer exists. They built more than 250 footbridges, serving over 1 million community members throughout the world. [3]

Website : https://www.bridgestoprosperity.org/



[1] https://www.bridgestoprosperity.org/why-bridges/

[2] https://www.bridgestoprosperity.org/our-approach/

[3] https://www.bridgestoprosperity.org/


Watch this inspiring interview with the President and CEO of Bridges to Prosperity, Avery Bang. 

Interviewed by Limitless

Avery Bang is the President & CEO of Bridges to Prosperity. She pursued a BSc degree in Civil Engineering and a BA in Studio Art at the University of Iowa, and later completed a graduate degree in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her graduate research was conducted with National Academy of Engineering member Bernard Amadei, and considered locally-appropriate geotechnical survey and pedestrian bridge design for rural applications. She taught Cable-Supported Pedestrian Bridge Design at the University of Colorado in the Mortenson Center for Engineering in Developing Communities, and in 2016, took a sabbatical to complete an MBA at Säid Business School at the University of Oxford, where she served as the Managing Director for the Oxford Seed Fund. [4]

[4] https://www.bridgestoprosperity.org/who-we-are/team/

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