8 examples of social innovation in Singapore
What are the social innovation projects, services and products that power Singapore? Check out 8 recent remarkable social innovation examples!
8 hackathons, social innovation events re COVID-19
Check out the Hackathon events to discover the challenges events all around the world in the corona crisis with great social impact potential.
Social Innovation in the times of COVID-19
From drive-through testing centres to robot delivery technology systems, these 8 social innovations for COVID-19 will bring you hope.
8 Fair and Decent Work Tips for small and medium enterprises
At Social Innovation Academy we expose 8 tips to help achieve greater fair and decent work in your small or medium company. Check them out!
The difference—and relationship—between Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
How are Corporate Social Responsibility and social entrepreneurship different from each other and how are they related? Learn more at the Academy!
Can social enterprises be competitive businesses?
Are social enterprises competitive? Are social enterprises “real” business and can they compete with commercial companies on an equal footing?
8 social innovations in veganism
What are the recent social innovations in veganism? From vegan baby food to vegan schools. Check them out at the Social Innovation Academy!
The rise of sustainable finance and social impact
Finance has the power to accelerate the transition towards sustainable development, being the “life blood” of any enterprise, and of the economy as a whole.Let’s look at a real-world example to underline the influence finance has on fostering sustainable development....
When climate change meets social innovators. 8 social innovations for climate action
What is the potential of social innovation for climate action? Enormous! Check out at the Social Innovation Academy these 8 inspiring examples.
8 leading social innovation trends for 2020
What are the leading social innovation trends for 2020? Check out 8 trends selected by the researchers at Social Innovation Academy.
8 inspiring examples of social innovation in India
India is the world’s second most populated country with over 1.1 billion people and is the world's 7th largest country in terms of area. It has a unique geographical and human diversity with a multilingual and multi-ethnic society and is also the world's largest...
8 housing solutions for inclusive cities
An inclusive city is one in which all the inhabitants and their needs are valued on an equal basis. It is a place where the people whether wealthy or poor, educated or uneducated, able-bodied or dysfunctional; also regardless of race, age, religion, origin, political...
8 inspiring social innovations in the area of education
Social innovations in education are needed more than ever. We present several examples of how social innovations in education create a brighter future.
8 inspiring social innovations for seniors
Social innovations for seniors are paramount. Social Innovation Academy examines various social innovations for seniors that are creating a brighter future.
8 examples of corporate social innovation worth considering in your company
Corporate Social Innovation (CSI) spans different fields and sectors; here are some of the initiatives that firms have integrated into their operations.
8 leading social innovation events in 2019
At Social Innovation Academy we know everything about unmissable social innovation events to take place in 2019. Have you booked your spot already?
Tech-oriented social innovation: 8 tips from one of the leading start-up enabling platforms in Europe
Interested in learning how to make your tech-oriented social innovation successful? Learn from one of the leading start-up platforms in Europe.
8 social innovation movements that went viral
At Social Innovation Academy we expose eight amazing examples of social innovation movements that went viral around the globe.
8 inspiring examples of social innovation in childcare
Childcare is an essential part of modern societies. We shed light on 8 inspiring examples of social innovation in childcare.
Why Taking a Step Back From Social Impact Assessment Can Lead to Better Results
Why Taking a Step Back From Social Impact Assessment Can Lead to Better Results? What needs to be done before actually getting down to measurement?
Corporate Social Innovation: why it is the new Corporate Social Responsibility
A lot has been said about corporate social innovation. Is it actually the new Corporate Social Responsibility? ‘Coherent citizen’ model arises!
Social innovation in Asia: 8 remarkable projects
Asia is on the pursuit of addressing several challenges. In this article, we showcase eight remarkable projects of social innovation in Asia.
8 social innovations that created true systemic change
Systemic change is the ultimate goal of social innovation, even if very few social innovations reach this stage. We selected 8 successful examples.
8 remarkable social innovation prototyping methods and tools
Social innovation prototyping methods and tools are endless. At Social Innovation Academy we showcase some of the most remarkable ones.
8 amazing examples of how to keep your social innovation alive
In this article we expose eight amazing examples of social enterprises that have managed to keep social innovation alive for more than 20 years.
Social innovation in Africa: 8 remarkable projects
There are many social innovations that have achieved immense social impact in Africa. We selected 8 examples of successful social innovation in Africa.
Social innovation in Australia and New Zealand: 8 remarkable projects
New Zealand and Australia have some of the best qualities of life worldwide. We display 8 projects showcasing social innovation in Australia and New Zealand
8 amazing examples of how to address a grand social challenge
In this blog post we compile a list of 8 amazing examples of how to address a grand social challenge.
8 social innovations that went viral
Social innovation Academy exposes, in this article, eight remarkable projects relating to social innovations that went viral.
8 cool examples of social innovation in North America
Social innovation in North America is booming, with the USA and Canada offering plenty of notable initiatives. This article puts the spotlight on 8 of them.
Social innovation: just another hype?
Social innovation has been around for many years. People contemplate whether social innovation is just another hype or is it here to stay; yet, it’s not new
8 mind-blowing social innovation ideas
In this blog post we compile a list of 8 mind-blowing social innovation ideas. Social innovation initiatives are implemented to foster social good.
Social innovation in Europe: 8 inspiring projects funded by the EU’s research programme
An overview of social innovation in European research: some of the most inspiring social innovation projects funded by the EU’s research programme.
Social innovation in Europe: 8+1 remarkable Erasmus+ projects
Social innovation is changing the boundaries of Europe’s operations. There are several remarkable social innovation projects in Erasmus+ that prove it
Do not be afraid of profit: shared value for social and traditional business
Do not be afraid of profit: shared value for social and traditional business: marrying economic and social value
Re-valuing plastic: social innovation as a means to reduce or revalue plastics
Social innovation for plastic is needed more than ever. We present several examples of how social innovation for plastic is creating a brighter future.
8 social impact investing terms you should know
We present 8 social impact investing terms you must know if you deal with implementing, funding or investing in social innovation.
8 key social innovation concepts
8 key social innovation concepts explained: get insight into the 8 most important concepts related to social innovation processes.
8 social innovation initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean
This time we showcase examples of social innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean: examples of creativity and innovation.
8+1 remarkable female social innovators from Europe
Entrepreneurship and innovation are no longer a man’s domain. We present nine female social innovators from Europe who are changing the world for the better
Portugal Social Innovation
Portugal Social Innovation Initiative is a pioneering initiative in Europe. Learn more about this inspiring example funded by the EU.
8 reasons why executives should consider engaging their companies in social innovation
The rationale for corporate social innovation: why executives should consider engaging their companies in social changemaking.
8 inspiring examples of digital social innovations
Digital social innovations use digital technologies to address social challenges. We shine a light on eight remarkable digital social innovations.
How the European Social Innovation Competition is supporting new innovators and ideas
The European Social Innovation Competition is now in it’s sixth year, read how it is supporting social innovation across all EU and Horizon 2020 countries.
8 Inspiring Social Innovations in Healthcare
Social innovations can be evidenced globally and across different sectors. This time we showcase 8 inspiring social innovations in healthcare.
8 European Social Innovations worth knowing about
The 8 European social innovations that we present in this blog demonstrate the dynamism, passion and creativity taking place across the continent.
Social Innovations in Water Management
Water availability problems greatly affect many parts of Europe and the world. Discover 8 social innovations in water that address this challenge.
8 pioneer Social Innovations in Food
There have been many important innovations concerning food over the last few decades. In this blog post we present 8 pioneer social innovations in food.
8 inspiring social innovations for cities
Nowadays cities meet severe urban problems that need to be solved with new approaches. We display 8 inspiring examples of social innovations for cities…
8 inspiring social innovations for climate action
Social innovations for climate actions are popping up around the globe. Let’s have a look…
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All opinions, quotes or information expressed by the authors at The Social Innovation Academy are their own, and neither the Social Innovation Academy, nor Limitless sarl can be in any way held responsible for these views or any consequences thereof.