

Climate action coin: reinventing money to accelerate decarbonisation

The survcoin is a dedicated climate action coin which rewards users for their carbon footprint reduction efforts. Check it out at Social Innovation Academy!

How to come up with a social invention for more than 285 million people: insights from Wayfindr’s Head of Communications

Wayfindr social innovation wants to empower vision impaired people to overcome isolation, through audio based navigation. Let’s have a look.

Fighting digital exclusion in Spain: Cibervoluntarios´ cybervolunteering and cyberoptimism

Yolanda Rueda, founder and president of the Cibervoluntarios Foundation, speaks to the Social Innovation Academy about fighting digital exlusion in Spain.

Get inspired with a social innovation to tackle colour blindness: insights from ColorADD’s creator, Miguel Neiva

Learn more about the Story of “ColorADD – Color is for all” and get inspirational insights, by its creator, Miguel Neiva.

Disruptive design: catalyst of social change

Interview with Cristina Yoshida and Diego del Moral, co-founders of Collective of Disruptive Design.At the intersection of systems thinking and design thinking, Collective of Disruptive Design (Colectivo de Diseño Disruptivo in Spanish) seeks out collaborative...

How to come up with a social innovation to tackle communication barriers: insights from EKUI’s creator, Celmira Macedo

Learn more about the Story of ‘EKUI – For a world without communication barriers’, from its creator, Celmira Macedo. Let’s get started!

Using design thinking with a goal to develop solutions for an environmentally friendly society: insights from the co-founder of The Green Sprint

The Green Sprint makes use of design thinking to develop solutions that safeguard our environment. Check out our interview with Minou Schillings!

C3 Consult and Coach for a Cause: the initiative helping entrepreneurs unlock their growth potential and maximise their positive impact on the community

C3 is a UAE-based social enterprise helping entrepreneurs in the Middle East unlock their growth potential & maximise their positive impact on the community

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