

Social innovation in Poland

We live in times of constant change. Social innovations are one of the signs of the progressing democratisation. Everyone can take a bite and try changing the world for the better. Following the examples of other European countries, social innovation in Poland is starting to boom…

Giving refugee and trafficked women a new future in fashion: an interview with SOFFA’s co-founder

At Social Innovation Academy we showcase an inspiring interview with an academic and social entrepreneur, co-founder of SOFFA – Social Fashion Factory.

Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Mexico

Interview with Karol Arambula, CEO, and founder of MY World Mexico MY World Mexico is a social business and national movement established in 2014 aiming at promoting the understanding towards the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its...

Tech Talent Pool: Connecting tech talent with partners or employees

An interview with Tech Talent Pool: an online tool aiming to match tech talent with the labour market, and a great example of tech social innovation

What is social innovation? Young social innovators and experts answer.

In this short video young social innovators and experts alike answer what social innovation means to them.Photo by George Milton from Pexels.  Would you like to learn more from other inspiring social innovators?   Check out the  Social Innovation Academy  – the first...

Everyone is a Changemaker, an interview with Ashoka’s CEO and Chair Bill Drayton.

Ashoka identifies and supports the world's leading social entrepreneurs, learns from the patterns in their innovations, and mobilizes a global community that embraces these new frameworks to build an "everyone a changemaker world."[1] To date, Ashoka has selected more...

Using design thinking with a goal to develop solutions for an environmentally friendly society: insights from the co-founder of The Green Sprint

The Green Sprint makes use of design thinking to develop solutions that safeguard our environment. Check out our interview with Minou Schillings!

How social franchising can address global social issues: insights from RECOS

RECOSI (Regional and European Co-Operative for Social Industry) is a social franchise operating in IT reuse. It was formed in Ireland in early 2014 by a group of like-minded individuals who sought to help develop social enterprises that operate mainly in the area of...

Gyöngyvér Balog from Impact.Design about good prototyping in social innovation

In this video Gyöngyvér Balog from Impact.Design talks about the importance of good prototyping in social innovation.Photo credit: https://medium.com/@gbalog   Would you like to learn more from other inspiring social innovators?   Check out the  Social Innovation...

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All opinions, quotes or information expressed by the authors at The Social Innovation Academy are their own, and neither the Social Innovation Academy, nor Limitless sarl can be in any way held responsible for these views or any consequences thereof.


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