

The @EIBInstitute offers up to € 75 000 for social entrepreneurs who want to solve social or environmental issues in Europe. Applications to the Social Innovation Tournament can cover any of the 17 #SDGs. This year’s Special Category Prize will focus on the blue and green economy.

You can join the Q&A webinars that will help #SIT applicants prepare their application:

▶️ Thursday, 27 January 2022 at 17:00 (CET) – Register here: https://bit.ly/SIT27JAN

▶️ Thursday, 10 February 2022 at 12:00 (CET) – Register here: https://bit.ly/SIT10FEB 


#ChangeTomorrowToday #SocialInnovation #SocialEntrepreneurship #SocEnt #Impact #SIT22Vienna  #EIBInstitute #EIB

Applications are open apply from 17 January to 24 February! ? http://bit.ly/SITvienna



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