

International Social Innovation Research Conference 2020: Join, mingle and discuss with other scholars about social innovation from varied perspectives (Sheffield University Management School, Sep 1-3)


Global Innovation Summit 2020: Connect with like-minded disruptors and innovators to drive innovation across different fields and sectors (Dubai, Sep 3)


Social Outcomes Conference 2020: Foster insightful discussions by joining leadings researchers and policymakers (Oxford, Sep 3-4)


Singularity Australia: Join other social impact leaders and shift from idea to action! (Sydney, Sep 15-16)


2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts: If you are a ‘techie’ that loves advanced robotics and social impact you got to be there! (Nagoya, Oct 8-10)


Net Impact Conference: Stay tuned for this one and make a positive impact in the world! (Baltimore, Oct 22-24)


International Symposium on Engineering Management, Information System & Applied Social Innovation: Join and learn about research results and development activities on the aforementioned fields (Istanbul, Oct 24-25)


The Verge 20: A must attend conference that will bring together NGOs, solution providers and many more to join forces and create a more sustainable future (San Jose, Oct 27-29)



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