
3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurship Social Innovation and Economic Research: Are you a social innovator? Join and generate new knowledge for improved social outcomes (Sydney, Jul 11)


International Conference on Social Innovation and Information Technology: Join leading scholars to discuss your findings on social innovation and information technology (Copenhagen, Jul 15-16)


B1G1 Business For Good Conference 2020: Seize the the opportunity to plan your next 10-year goals for your business and explore how we to support the world to meet its Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. (Hanoi, Jul 15-17)


International Conference on Business Management and Social Innovation: An ideal environment to develop new partnerships and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of the mentioned fields (Columbus, Jul 20-21)


Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2020: Connect with other entrepreneurs, build your network and collaborate to create a better future for all (Rome, Jul 30-31)


2nd International Conference on Management, Sustainable Development, Multidisciplinary Studies, Economics, Social Sciences & Humanities: Join other international participants and benefit from interdisciplinary knowledge and cross-national academic fraternity (Singapore, Aug 5-6)


International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Join leading scholars and discuss your research findings on social entrepreneurship and innovation (Vancouver, Aug 6-7)


3rd International Conference On Knowledge Management Business And Social Science Innovation Research: Join other academicians, professors, students, and industry practitioners to exchange ideas and/or develop fruitful collaborations (Seoul, Aug 13-14)



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